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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Weight Loss Motivation Tips by Susan O’Brien, The Hail Merry Founder (4)

RECAP: Susan O’Brien is a raw food genius whose dream is to “create a national brand that can inspire a paradigm shift in the way America perceives and eats snack foods.”
My readers are always talking and asking about women who are successful in their business careers and in their healthy weight maintenance tips.

Susan willingly opens up on her weight loss and weight maintenance points of view.

CelebrateWoman (CW) Susan, have you had weight challenges along the way, especially when you started being involved with your business?

Susan O’Brien (Susan) Absolutely. I am 45 and fighting my new metabolism is tricky. I eat well, so that helps.

My greatest challenge is finding time to work out. If I don’t practice yoga at least 2 times per week ,I really begin to break down mentally and physically. I made a commitment to myself over 10 years ago to make working out and yoga a priority in my life. I still continue to do this.

CW What is the #1 way you motivate yourself to control your weight?

Susan My motivation is a combination of vanity and wanting to feel good. Feeling good being number one. Besides, we all like to look good.

CW What would you tell my women readers who go through their own weight management issues in their busy lives?

Susan You will never be happy in the other aspects of your life if you are not healthy.

We all carry weight differently. I have never thought a super skinny woman looks good.

When you get to be my age, being really skinny makes you look older. Some plumpness is sexy in my opinion. My challenge has always to keep plump without getting a big belly. Once the belly starts to protrude, it’s time to run.....I love to run with my dog.
That’s what Susan thinks and does when it comes down to her weight issues. Each of us is unique. But I think that examples of other women who are successful in their lives really help all of us to get motivated and know that we are beautiful when we are Healthy.

Celebrate Susan O’Brien Today!

Susan’s Way to Happiness and Success, more here:
Hail Merry Hypothesis and Living It Out Loud
What’s Easier: Saying Hail Merry Or Eating Raw?
Hail Merry Never Felt That Sweet!

PS: If you have any questions to Susan O’Brien, please leave them in the comments below. She will definitely read and answer them.
PPS: If you know a woman-entrepreneur who has created healthy product(s), please let me know, so we could spread the word about her and her contribution to this planet.

Disclosure: I only write about products I believe in personally. I am not compensated for my opinions. 

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