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Monday, July 12, 2010

Weight Loss Tips from the Guru Mama

Being in business, developing and managing a huge creative process does bring time constraints on where priorities lie. Fitting exercise and healthy eating can be far from being easy.

How does Julianna Shaw takes control of her healthy weight loss and management? Let's visit with her  ask our favorite questions.

CelebrateWoman (CW) Have you had your weight challenges along the way, especially when you started being involved with your business?

Julianna Shaw (Julianna) Most definitely. I started this business shortly after having my 2nd daughter, and I still had the extra baby weight to lose.

Since time was limited, I really had to make exercise a priority in order to fit it into the day. I did that by making sure I scheduled it on the calendar and with a friend to make sure I showed up.

CW What is your #1 tip for weight loss motivation for yourself?

Julianna It’s all about health. I know when I exercise and eat right I feel better and have a better attitude.

CW Any personal word for all my women readers who go through their weight loss and weight management issues?

Julianna I’m a believer in being kind to yourself. We all have drama and stress throughout our lives, and it’s very easy to be unkind.

Like everyone, bite size goals are important, and so is celebrating success (something I’m learning to do).

I also think that a little change in mindset can really help – instead of just thinking about losing weight as the goal, switch the goal around to be about making healthy choices and living a healthy life. Less pressure often times means greater results.

More on Julianna Shaw
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PS: If you have any questions to Julianna, please leave them in the comments below. She will definitely read and answer them.
PPS: If you know a woman-entrepreneur who has created healthy product(s), please let me know, so we could spread the word about her and her contribution to this planet.

Disclosure: I only review products I believe in. I am not compensated for my opinions. 

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