Environmental Working Group (EWG) graded over 170 bottled waters on the information they dislose or not on their labels.
Here's this report for your review and knowledge. If you are a big drinker of bottled water – It is Your right to know what's inside each bottle.
What's In Your Bottled Water – Besides Water?
Here's also an investigation report published by Yahoo! about what they learned on the water we drink.
Best and Worst Bottled Water Brands
PS: If you know a woman-entrepreneur who has created healthy product(s), please let me know, so we could spread the word about her and her contribution to this planet.
Disclosure: I only write about products I believe in and use personally and the companies who truly advance forward the best traits of the humankind. I am not compensated for my opinions.
Founder, CelebrateLifeNutrition.com
Curb Your Appetite – Stop Your Cravings
VP Programs Development, ScaleDown for Life
VP Education, GoZonkers Inc.
©2011 Laura Gontchar. All Rights Reserved.