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Monday, February 28, 2011

Mars Needs Moms! And So Do We On Planet Earth

Have you ever even imagined being kidnapped by Martians and drawn away from your family, kids, hubby and friends?

Or as a huge exaggeration, have you ever been abducted by the Martian Forces themselves?

As technology evolves and all, at least zillion, things become possible, anything can happen at any moment of our busy lives. The first thing that comes to my mind if such things like abduction by Martians takes place, "What would my kids think if their mom would be transported to another planet one day?"

I cannot answer for my kids, but I am pretty much sure that we share so many things in common that at least these "missing-each-other" things would take place.

1. Rad a book or two, or three at night, and at the nap time, and in every moment when they hesitate to go to bed!

2. Give high-fives for every great thing they do, or their mom does for or with them.

3. Sipping out of the straw and see who's going to be the first to finish that orange juice with Omega-3.

4. Scare dad when he comes back home from work and then laugh about it all together!

5. Sing a song at the top of our lungs when we go for our long walks in the mountains.

6. Run, run, run to that playground of ours and see who's going to be the first finisher.

7. Eat Mountain High yogurt when we are watching a Disney movie.

8. Kissing them good-night and good-morning.

9. Draw the most creative things and see who would come up with the most outrageous names for the things we just created!

10. But most of all, they will miss their mom who supports them in all that they do and loves them to the Mars and back. A million times repeated.

As I was writing these reflections of an imaginary things, my tears were streaming down my face. It brought home a reminder how fragile this life is. And how precious are these people – my kids – in my life.

I Celebrate Each Moment of Living With Them!

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms blogging program, for a gift card worth $25. For more information on how you can participate, click here